Welcome to my blog!

Hey readers! My name is Paige Mastick and welcome to my blog! Throughout my blog, I will be sharing news throughout the world about surfing. I grew up surfing and going to the beach every single day, summer and winter. It is a huge part of my life and I want to show you guys how amazing the surfing community really is and the newest news on surfing. This includes National Surf League, the newest surfboards, celebrities, surfs, etc.

When I was little, I always watched my dad long board while I played in the sand with my mom. After I told them I wanted to try, we took a trip down to San Onofre, which is where I caught my first wave. Learning in San Onofre is very common due to the ride length being so long. It is so shallow for hundreds of feet out, making the catch so much easier. I found out later that my mom could surf too. So, knowing both of my parents surfed growing up, I knew I had to learn. My brother got a hang of it real fast, but not me. After countless trips down to SanO, I finally got the hang of it and could catch waves at our local beach. 

I have always found a huge fascination with the ocean. Whether it be just watching the waves, or being able to go spear fishing off the coast or even snorkeling with my dad. Seeing what is so mysterious to the world and having it right at my finger tips makes me want to do nothing more but take advantage of that. So, I do. Everyday I'm home, I am at the beach with my friends. And when I am attending school at Chico State, I am keeping up with the newest news. It is so interesting to me, and throughout my blog, I hope you fall as in love with it as me.

Here are a few pictures I have taken of my friends and I over time at the beach!


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